Tag Archives: haute couture

Hillary Clinton wears a tan womens business jacket

Hillary Clinton wears a tan womens business jacket

Hillary Clinton wears a tan womens business jacket designed by Susanna Beverly Hills while speaking at the White House Forum on wildlife trafficking. WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 09: (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) Copyright © 2013 Getty Images. All rights reserved. Clothing designed by Susanna Beverly Hills www.susannabh.com

Beverly Hills fashion worn by Hillary Clinton

Beverly Hills fashion worn by Hillary Clinton

Beverly Hills fashion worn by Hillary Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative in an article written on February 9th, 2014 Will Bill Clinton be a help or a hindrance if his wife runs for president again? https://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/02/09/will-bill-clinton-be-a-help-or-a-hindrance-if-his-wife-runs-for-president-again/

Hillary Clinton wears a beautiful red business suit jacket

Hillary Clinton wears a beautiful red business suit jacket

Hillary Clinton wears a beautiful red business suit jacket designed by Susanna Beverly Hills on the cover of HRC. The book is written by Jonathan Allen, Amie Parnes The mesmerizing story of Hillary Clinton’s political rebirth, based on eyewitness accounts from deep inside her inner circle. Read more here: https://theeditorlestudio1.blogspot.com/2014/03/hillary-clinton-visiting-montreal.html https://www.randomhouse.ca/books/227921/hrc-by-jonathan-allen-and-amie-parnes

Judge Judy wears the famous Beverly Hills womens pantsuit in mint

Judge Judy wears the famous Beverly Hills womens pantsuit in mint

Judge Judy wears the famous Beverly Hills womens pantsuit in mint designed by Susanna Beverly Hills www.susannabh.com to speak with Katie Couric about her success on tv and in her career. Watch the video here: https://katiecouric.com/videos/judge-judy-success/

Beverly Hills Fashion Tan Pantsuit

Beverly Hills Fashion Tan Pantsuit

Beverly Hills Fashion Tan Pantsuit – This Women’s Tan Pantsuit for Spring 2014 is the perfect addition to your spring collection. This elegant pantsuit is perfect for the office or an afternoon lunch. Designed by the famous pantsuit designer Susanna Beverly Hills www.susannabh.com

Beverly Hills dresses- The little black dress

Beverly Hills dresses- The little black dress

Beverly Hills dresses- The little black dress redefined… something we never have thought of! Black spandex and zippers in a figure flattering silhouette. Perfect for luncheons or after five cocktails. Visit www.susannabh.com for an exciting collection of designer dresses made in Beverly Hills.

Judge Judy wearing a white pantsuit designed by Susanna Beverly Hills

Judge Judy wearing a white pantsuit designed by Susanna Beverly Hills

Judge Judy wearing a white pantsuit designed by Susanna Beverly Hills. Judge Judy lays down the law – follow the US by putting cameras into Irish courtrooms https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/judge-judy-lays-down-the-law-follow-the-us-by-putting-cameras-into-irish-courtrooms-29185736.html  

Hillary Clinton wearing a navy blue pantsuit designed by Susanna Beverly Hills

Hillary Clinton wearing a navy blue pantsuit designed by Susanna Beverly Hills

Hillary Clinton wearing a navy blue pantsuit designed by Susanna Beverly Hills. She has been asked the question if she will run for President again in 2016 over and over by many people since ending her term as Secretary of State for the United States. More information here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/hillary-clinton-in-2016-will-she-or-wont-she/2012/06/07/gJQAQMt9LV_story.html

Beverly Hills Womens Blue Dress

Beverly Hills Womens Blue Dress

You can find Beverly Hills Womens Blue Dress at Susanna Beverly Hills. They are one of Beverly Hills top custom made women clothing stores. This beautifully shaped designer blue dress is made of 4ply silk and gently detailed with bows on the sleeves. This is a luxurious blue cocktail dress that you can wear to sophisticated […]

Beverly Hills Womens Red Pantsuit

Beverly Hills Womens Red Pantsuit

Hillary Clinton wearing a Beverly Hills Womens Red Pantsuit designed by Susanna Beverly Hills. You can find Beverly Hills Womens fashion at www.susannabh.com Get the Hillary Clinton look from this haute couture designer in Beverly Hills. The place to find womens business attire in Beverly Hills. photo from: https://www.wjla.com/articles/2014/01/terry-mcauliffe-s-campaign-gives-democrats-playbook-for-2014-98876.html